How Solar Panel Generate Electricity from Sunlight

How Solar Panel Generate Electricity from Sunlight

How Solar Panel Generate Electricity from Sunlight

The sun is the main source of energy on our planet as well as the source of all life, the energy from the sun can be harnessed to generate electricity. This is done by using solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity via the photovoltaic principle.

Solar panels are made by connecting multiple PV cells together to form a solar array which allows for a higher power output. Solar panels can be typically installed on rooftops or in solar farms. The solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity through a process called the photovoltaic effect. A typical solar photovoltaic cell generates a voltage of 0.6v and an amperage that is proportional to the intensity of the light and the size of the cell. How does this happen:

Sunlight is composed of tiny particles of solar energy called photons. When sunlight hits the solar panels, the photons are absorbed by the photovoltaic (PV) cells, which are made of silicon or other semiconductor materials. The energy from the absorbed photons excites electrons in the semiconductor material, causing them to break free from their atoms. This creates electron-hole pairs. The free electrons are forced to move in a specific direction, creating a flow of electric current due to the internal electric field in the PV cell.

The flow of electrons is harnessed as electricity. This direct current (DC) is then typically converted to alternating current (AC) using an inverter, which is the type of electricity used in homes and businesses. The generated electricity can be used to power electrical devices at home or at businesses, charge batteries, or be fed into the electrical grid (solar mini-grid).

The efficiency of a solar panel is the amount of sunlight it can convert into usable electricity. Advances in technology are continuously improving the efficiency of solar panels, making them more effective at converting sunlight into electricity. The entire process of solar energy is clean, sustainable, and doesn’t produce any greenhouse gas emissions, making solar energy an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels. To know more about solar energy systems and how it works contact BASSCOMM Nigeria Limited.

BASSCOMM is the number one leading energy solution provider in Nigeria. We offer supply and installation of Solar Energy Solutions for small facilities to bigger facilities. Our solution cuts across solar home solutions, commercial and industrial, solar street lights, and solar mini-grids to mention a few. We see ourselves as partners in any project. Connect with us on social media (@basscomm) for more insight on solar systems.